We are a unique Esophageal Cancer Support Group in the area comprised of members who have had esophagectomies, radiation and chemotherapy treatment because of Esophageal Cancer. We have all “been there and done that”. The path to recovery is often difficult and lengthy and we have found that the journey can be made easier by going through it with others who have had similar treatments and experiences. We hold each other’s hand along the way and as our motto states, No One Fights Alone!
Others of us had Achalasia and other gastrointestinal issues. Their surgeries and treatments often resemble the same journey as one with Esophageal Cancer.
Our group also includes spouses, caregivers, significant others, families, and friends of those that have that have had treatment. They too are going through this journey and it is important to support them as well!
We attempt to “be there” through our experiences often meeting or talking to patients before, during and after treatment. The importance of discussion with fellow victims (so=called Peer to Peer) of the disease cannot be minimized – numerous studies have shown the benefit of patients interacting with others who have experienced much the same treatments and side-effects. Each individual story is important to all of us as we feed off each other for support, comfort, love, and friendship! We know that we can help you in your journey to conquer Esophageal Cancer and/ or other issues! We do not render any type of medical advice, but will advise the patient to contact their doctor when they have issues.
We are also advocates of teaching hospitals in treating diseases of the esophagus. The treatments can be complex and it has been our collective experience and our suggestion that facilities that treat these diseases on a regular basis represent the best chance for positive outcomes for a patient. We are very much blessed in Philadelphia to have several of these institutions; notably Penn Medicine and Thomas Jefferson University. Please note that it is up to the patient where they want to go and also note that we are separate and independent from any hospital. Our interest and advocacy is to fellow sufferers of this disease, not to any institution.
We meet quarterly for support group meetings in January, April, July and October on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 4-6 pm at one of the buildings at the University of Pennsylvania’s campus. New patients might not be able to attend right away, but perhaps their spouse, caregiver, friend, or a family member might want to attend. We also offer a call in option for those who are physically unable to attend the meetings. We invite EVERYONE to come meet us and share the love and support we give to each other! Our meetings are well attended and it is the perfect time to meet many of us, including our care team of doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals who attend as guest speakers sharing invaluable information and support!